Controversy and Free Instagram Followers

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Do you want to get free instagram followers? How bad do you want them?  Is it very very important that you actually get these followers in huge number? Well, here is somewhat of a shortcut to getting your dream. Start being controversial.  Yes, you read the word right, controversial. You will be shocked at how much attention controversy attracts.

If you are familiar with showbiz and how it works, you will notice that most of the celebrities were brought into the limelight by something controversial. If you follow further on these stories, you will find that some of them were actually staged just to attract the attention. It is interesting to note how much controversy picks the interest of people. The concept applies with magazines and newspapers. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why the headlines on newspapers are usually very catchy and controversial phrases? Controversy is an extremely good breeding ground for attention and will get you those free instagram followers that you are looking for in huge numbers.

To get free instagram followers, people have to notice and recognize your presence on instagram. People cannot follow you if they do not even know that you exist on the platform. That is the basis here. You need to start letting people know that you exist and that you have something good to offer. This of course you will initially do by marketing your page by telling people to follow you and following people so that they can follow you back. This will be the initial audience that you will attract. Your job will thus be to grow your entire audience using these few people that you have started with.

Take the time to find out what’s happening all over the world, pay closer attention to the controversial topics. Be the go to person for information on these topics. Continuously post this content and make sure that your content is accurate and up to date. Make sure that you are always on the top of all trending news. Make sure that you use all available sources to get the inside scoop on all top celebrities. You will find that people will be coming to your page just to get the information. With time they will also begin referring their friends and other people that they know to you. Before long you will notice that you will be getting a large number of free instagram followers every day.

You can even go a step further and be the topic of the controversy, but you have to be ready for the repercussions that come with this. Just make sure that you work with a good publicist or public relations specialist. They will show you how you can work out a good controversy of which you will be the topic and how you will make it work for you. Just make sure that you know that doing this will throw you into the limelight where each and every aspect of your life will be scrutinized; be psychologically prepared to deal with the attention. On the flip side though, you will get free instagram followers in huge numbers.

4 Ways You Can Earn Loads of Free Instagram Followers

There is a notable decline in the number of followers that people and businesses used to get on Instagram. Well, if you have noted this, you are not alone. Partly blame it on the sophisticated Instagram algorithms that have improved the app while making it harder for users to gain followers the old way. The other reason would be the tremendous influx of users flocking the platform.

You can still, however, increase your following easily without spending a dime! Check the tips below.


Appropriate use of hashtags

You’ve probably heard about hashtags, and maybe you have tried them a couple of time. If they didn’t open the floodgates of followers, then you’ve been missing on a great opportunity to improve your following.

To get it right with Instagram hashtags, whenever you post a photo ensure you tag it in the most appropriate way. This means ensuring that the hashtags are relevant and not so general like ‘travel’ or ‘happy.’ Do a bit of research and borrow a leaf from trending hashtags in your niche.

This will ensure you not only get exposed to thousands of followers but targeted followers who can engage with your content. Be generous also in your hashtags by using two to three of them in your photos but don’t overuse them lest Instagram flag your content as spam.


Think of off page optimization strategies

Trying something different sometimes might turn things around to your advantage. Off page, networking is one of them- and you don’t have to pay a penny since it only requires your presence. So how do you get to earn new followers?

Whenever you get an opportunity to do a radio or TV interview, don’t forget to share your Instagram names so that interested people can easily find you. Same to when you get a blog written about you or even if you love doing occasional podcasts.

You’ll need your basic PR skills here, but in the end, it will be all worth it.


Take a look at your profile

It’s all about doing the same things but differently. This includes Putting up an impressive profile that is complete and truly compelling. Take a look at your business description. Is it complete? Does it reflect what your brand represents? Write it exiting irrespective of whether your business is a law firm or fast food store.

Don’t upload boring profile pictures or pictures that totally don’t connect with your niche. A high definition picture that looks remarkable and relates to what you sell will make potential followers stop over when scrolling down on their feeds.

Refresh your feeds

Apart from your profile, your Instagram feeds takes the other percentage in attracting followers. Once an interested user looks at your bio, the next stop over is your feeds. You don’t want them to find poor quality pictures that you probably took with a bad camera. Remove them and replace with clear aesthetic ones that will make potential followers stick with you.